The New Enterprise Competition drew to a close this year at our celebration event. Route Zero were crowned the winners of the Growth stage, winning £10,000 plus 12-months incubation at SETSquared.

RouteZero was founded by Computer Science graduate Albie-Baker Smith and his co-founder Dan Brown with a mission of stopping catastrophic climate change through their platform which helps individuals and organisations switch out high-emission travel for greener journeys.

“The UK has just experienced its hottest temperatures on record, and winning the competition provides us with the opportunity to attack one of the UK’s highest emission sources: travel. We’d like to say a massive thank you to the New Enterprise Competition and the University of Bristol for catalysing RouteZero’s potential. The investment allows us to accelerate our work with customers and deliver them journeys that are Green, Anywhere, Anyway.”
Albie and Dan- RouteZero
- Unique Connections won £5,000. Unique Connections is a consultancy for schools and care organisations supporting young people with learning disabilities and autism.
- Big Sister Swap won £5,000 as well as the £2,000 prize in the People’s Choice Award – a campaign designed to increase the networks and exposure of the fantastic finalists as well as an award which allowed the public to have their say in their winner. Thank you to those of you who voted.
- Other runners-up included Milbotix winning pro-bono legal support from VWV and Ultra Horizon winning 6 months incubation at SETsquared.

As well as top-prize winners, this year the competition supported 126 founders (current students and recent graduates) through the three stages of the competition. The start-ups that took part ranged from on-campus pasta bars to land-based aquaculture systems, and from second-hand clothing platforms to incubators supporting creative freelancers. This demonstrates that Basecamp supports a diverse range of start-ups no matter what stage and as we transition into a post-covid world, the need for innovation is greater than ever.
This year was also the first year that the competition was run in person since 2020, meaning successful applicants had the opportunity to enhance their pitching skills by presenting in person. We had last year’s winners, Peequal, pass the baton, announcing this year’s winners at the finale event in person and it was fantastic to see the progress they have made over the last 12 months.

Growth Support Programme
This year was the third year of the Growth Support Programme– our award-winning scheme where finalists and graduates are paired with a mentor and receive exclusive access to business advisers and tailored workshops. Six out of our nine finalists took part in this programme, demonstrating that those who express an early interest in the programme receive the support needed to truly accelerate their business.
“The practical training and personal support have enabled me to transform the idea into a well thought out, actionable plan. I now have a brand which is informing the logo, website, and social posts. I have a clear business plan, including financial projections, clear information about the market and an ability to define my USP. I also have found mentors and cheer leaders along the way, who have helped validate the idea so that I can move forward with confidence.”
Beverely Samways- Unique Connections
Congratulations to all who have taken part in the New Enterprise Competition this year and thank you to all who have, and continue to, support it.
The first stage of the New Enterprise Competition – the Ideas stage, launches in the Autumn term for your chance to win £200 in funding for your business idea. To find out more information visit our website.
Check out this year’s finalist alumni on our People’s Choice Award showreel.