Fancy making a difference on campus? Nominate yourself for a student leadership role!

Each year, the Bristol SU elections are a chance for you to choose a student leader who represents you and the change you want to see on campus.

You can vote to elect the people you trust to represent your community and make a positive impact. Over 900 student leaders are elected, playing vital roles in amplifying student voices.

You can vote from Monday 10 to Thursday 13 March. Make sure you vote and make your time at Bristol the best it can be.

However, you can go one step further…

Are you the person to make a difference?

Are you passionate about improving the wellbeing services or making changes to the food options on campus? If so, do more than just vote, and run for an SU-elected role today. The SU elections are the perfect way for you to make a positive change for you and your fellow students. 

There’s a role to suit everyone, and whilst SU Officers are full-time, there are plenty of part-time opportunities, like Student Community Organisers or Course and Faculty Reps.

Starting this year, Faculty Reps and the new Student Community Organiser roles are getting paid for their work!

They are fantastic opportunities to do something positive while earning money. 

Every student at the University, no matter what you’re studying, is eligible to run for a role in the TB2 elections. 

Nominations are open until Thursday 20 February. Read more about each one on our SU elections website hub or get in touch with our team at  

Why should you take on a student leadership role?

Taking on a leadership role isn’t just about improving student experiences on campus, it can also be extremely valuable to you and your future career. Here are 5 reasons to apply today:

1. Develop leadership skills

Being a student representative requires initiative, leadership and commitment, all things employers look for in their candidates. As you develop these skills through your SU role you can keep track of them on MySkills to refer to whenever you might need them in the future.

2. Make your CV stand out

How many people can say they have ‘Student Union Officer’ on their CV? A leadership role helps you stand out from the crowd and separates you from other candidates for jobs you might apply for once you graduate.

It’s a great way to demonstrate your passion, especially if you campaign for a specific issue or cause that means something to you during your time with the SU.

3. Gain real world experience

Taking on a student leadership role will put you in scenarios that play out in the professional world. From event planning to conflict resolution, you’ll gain experience that could be invaluable when it’s time to go into the world of work.

4. Expand your network

It’s a chance to connect with University officials, local organisations and alumni and build relationships you might not have otherwise made.

You never know the value that these connections could bring to your personal and professional life.

5. Use it towards the Bristol PLUS Award

Not only is it a great addition to your CV by itself, a leadership role also counts towards the Bristol PLUS Award, the University’s employability award which is recognised by top employers and recorded on your degree transcript.

Read more about how you can achieve your Bristol PLUS Award here.

So you want to get involved

If you like the sound of making a difference on campus, this is your opportunity. Nominations for all roles close on Thursday 20 February, so don’t miss your chance to apply!

Find out more and submit your nomination on the SU elections website or contact the team at