Hi, my name is Max. I graduated in 2023 with a Physics BSc. The SME Internship Scheme gave me the opportunity to source a 4-week internship at a small/medium company I found interesting.

In December 2023, I interned with The Education Company as a data analyst. The Education Company provide insights to the education industry – my role was to see how Python could be integrated into their analytical techniques.
The internship
My internship was conducted remotely. This was great because it meant I didn’t have to worry about finding temporary accommodation but was still involved with the company through regular meetings over Microsoft Teams. Over the course of the internship, I became familiar with industry-standard languages and applications such as SQL and PowerBI – tools that I often saw as a ‘must have’ on many graduate applications.
Although I have used Python before in my degree, it was exciting to apply it in a business setting. There was so much opportunity for creative thinking. My mentor was genuinely interested about what Python could bring to the table. This enabled lots of great brain-storming sessions, pulling together ideas and then actioning them. It was awesome to feel like a valued member of the team and to be able to produce some work, that only a few weeks before, I had no idea even existed!
At the end of the internship I presented my findings to the directors. Following this meeting, I was offered a temporary contract to continue my work – proving internships have the potential to lead directly to employment, not just be a tool for gaining experience!

Advice for students and graduates
Go for it! If there’s a role out there that interests you, contact a company and see if they can facilitate an internship. It is a great way to meet people and learn a bit more about how the business world works. Lots of graduate schemes look for more than just grades, so this is a great opportunity to build your skillset in the direction you want to take your career. My only regret is having not done it sooner!
The only challenge with working remotely is managing yourself efficiently. It is important to be able to work with an objective in mind to help maintain focus. It is key to get involved with the business to truly understand where your work will be applied. This gives the work you produce a direction and makes it more fun!

Want to be an SME Intern?
- Find out more about the SME Internship Scheme on our website.
- Check out our “My SME Internship” blog series to hear more student stories.
If you have any questions about the scheme, writing your application, or anything else relating to careers you can speak to us on live chat, or pop in to 5 Tyndall Avenue.