Ever wished you had a career mentor?

Bristol Mentors is now open for applications for home UK students returning for study in 2025/26.

We caught up with Elena (Politics and Sociology BSc), one of two Bristol Mentors Student Associates, about her experiences as a mentee on the programme.

Read more: Ever wished you had a career mentor?

“I was delighted to gain a place on Bristol Mentors last year. As the programme got closer, I knew I didn’t have a clear vision for how I wanted my future to look, and in truth I hoped someone would tell me exactly what I was supposed to pursue. The beauty of having a mentor is that whilst they can’t make those decisions for you, they can do a great deal to help you figure it out.

As I got to know my mentor, we discussed interests and avenues I was considering, allowing her to help me consider relevant opportunities and ideas. Throughout the year, I attended networking events and applied for summer programmes. If ever I felt I was out of my depth or imposter syndrome kicked in, I knew I had my mentor to guide me and cheer me on.

Elena is pictured in animated talks with two students at a mentoring event.

After my year as a student mentee, I had the chance to join the project team and help the running of the programme as a Student Associate. This gave me an even greater appreciation of mentoring as I was able to see so many other students benefitting and the work that goes on behind the scenes.

From where I am now, I see mentorship as a journey like a trail of falling dominos; one connection, one opportunity, one piece of guidance, can set off a chain reaction that keeps you moving towards your potential. To any fellow student reading about this opportunity I would highly recommend you make the time to apply.”

Bristol Mentors provides successful student applicants with an alumni mentor working in the professional sector they are aiming to break into.

Visit the Bristol Mentors webpage to check if you are eligible for a place on the programme and to get your application started.

If you have any questions or queries, contact the team on alumni-mentoring@bristol.ac.uk

The art of networking: making the most of the Get Hired careers fair

Curious about networking and discovering career paths you’ve never considered? Get Hired, our spring careers fair, is happening on Wednesday 19 March from 12:30 pm to 4 pm at Bristol Beacon.

How to make the most of Get Hired?

Hi, I’m Dirthaa Karunanidhi, a Careers Ambassador for almost two years, and I understand the excitement and uncertainty that comes with career planning.

I’ve heard students say, “I just leave careers fairs with a tote bag full of pens.” Job hunting can feel frustrating. But what if it didn’t have to be? 


The Berkeley Square Challenge: empowering students through challenge-led learning

At the University of Bristol, we strive to create meaningful opportunities that prepare students for the future while fostering a positive impact. The Berkeley Square Challenge, a collaborative initiative between the School of Education, Transform Society, and the Careers Service, is a positive example of this in action. 


Graduate stories: my reflections on stumbling into the Civil Service Fast Stream

My name is Tom, and I work as a strategy officer in the government’s Ministry of Justice, as part of the Civil Service Fast stream. Here I am, outside the Victoria rooms in August 2023, graduating with a degree in chemistry.

This day was marked with smiles in the pictures, but a heavy heart. I was sad to be leaving behind my university years and making the step into the world of work.


Tips to make the most of your winter break!

With your winter vacation coming up, have you considered how you might spend the break from University?

Bristol harbourside in the snow

The Winter vacation, and the addition of Preparation Week this year between Monday 6 and Friday 10 January, present a valuable opportunity to invest in your future career before your studies restart.

Preparation Week is your chance, reflect on your skills, come to an event, or start making future career plans.

To kick things off, why not sign up for one our intro talks:

Make the most of the careers service during our opening hours which change slightly as we approach the Winter break. Live Chat and opening times for walks-ins are:

  • 9 to 13 December: 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm (Monday to Friday)
  • 21 December to 5 January: Closed
  • From 6 January: 10 am to 4.30 pm (Monday to Friday) – Back to normal!

Read on for our top tips on how to maximise your time during the break and preparation week. 


Which employer is right for me?

You’ve been working hard for years, and now, during your studies at university, you’re facing one of the biggest decisions of your life, choosing a career

Whether you’re looking for insight days, internships, placements, or a full-time role, the competition is fierce. When it feels like everyone is chasing the same opportunities, standing out comes down to your values.

Your principles and purpose can set you apart, even when many other candidates have similar qualifications.


Mentoring matters – your chance to open doors and create opportunities

With just one week to go, Bristol Mentors is still open for applications for home UK students returning for study in 2024/25.

Bristol Mentors provides successful student applicants with an alumni mentor working in the sector/industry they are aiming to break into.

Mentorship can be an enriching experience and our student mentees are always happy to tell us more about the range of benefits they have gained whilst on the programme.


Exploring Telecoms: why it’s a career path worth considering

In today’s interconnected world, where communication plays a pivotal role in every aspect of our lives, the telecoms industry stands at the forefront of innovation and progress.

A view of the world from space

If you’re a student pondering your career options, Pano Savvidis, Senior Outreach & Content Manager for Virgin Media, gives several compelling reasons to consider a job in telecoms:


Looking beyond the arts and sciences divide with interdisciplinary work

Elena graduated from Bristol in 2022 with a degree in English Literature and is now a Communications Consultant at Bright Carbon.

We caught up with Elena about looking beyond the arts and sciences divide with interdisciplinary work.

“It can feel as though there‘s a massive gap between an arts career and a science career, and once you pick a side, you’re stranded there.

The popularity of Sylvia Plath’s fig tree analogy shows just how many people feel like the choices they make close off all other potential futures. I definitely felt this when I was choosing my degree.

There was a sense of finality – that this was my specialism and other routes were now closed. After a lot of back and forth and deliberation, I chose ‘arts’ and studied Art Foundation and then English Literature at University – and I thought that was the end of that for other subjects.

“But, once I started my job search, I realised pretty quickly that the door to other disciplines never really closes.”
