How attending a careers fair helped me choose a career path

The wording says "Sector Spotlight Series. 29 September to 12 November. " With the Unviersity of Bristol Careers Service logo in the top left hand corner and Jordan, a young man in a hat with confetti behind him, on the elft hand side


Our Sector Spotlight Series is running from 29 September –  12 November.  

Connect with employers from a wide range of sectors at our virtual careers fairs, panel events, and webinars. It doesn’t matter what degree you are studying; there are opportunities in every sector available for you. 

Our virtual events are accessible wherever you are in the world, and can be fitted in around your studies. You’ll have opportunities to attend employer-led skills sessionsbuild your networks, talk to employers about graduate roles, internships and other opportunities, hear the most up-to-date labour market information and much more… 

Annie Elliott, Politics and Sociology (BSc), gives us an insight into how attending careers fairs helped give her some career direction…

“Going into my second year of university, after a fairly idle first year, I was focused on getting my grades higher and taking my studies more seriously. I had never really considered attending a careers fair until I got a job with the Careers Service and I realised how many opportunities people that don’t attend are missing out on.  

When people asked me what I wanted to do after university my responses were always vague. Thinking about my career and the ‘real world’ was a daunting prospect and I wanted to put it on hold until I had finished my studies. However, attending the careers fair, I realised I had no reason to feel anxious about this topic but rather it was something I could get excited about. 

I was surprised at how many possibilities there were for people without vocational degrees. Employers were really friendly and it helped to build my confidence as I talked to people from a wide range of industries in a more informal setting than an interview. I am now comfortable talking to the company representatives and I know what kind of questions to ask.  

Most of the employers were recent graduates and they spoke openly about the responsibilities you would get as a graduate and the work cultures of their company. By doing this I was able to gauge the expectations of organisations and get a better understanding of what kind of job would be best suited for me. 

Attending the careers fair helped me explore the world of work in a casual and enjoyable way. It made me realise that the more research into potential careers and relevant experience I can get, the more likely I am to enjoy life beyond university.  

For anyone who is undecided on a career path, careers fairs are a great place to start scouting out what’s available, what you want, and how to achieve it.” 

Sector Spotlight Series: What’s on? … 

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