LGBTQ+ careers support and advice

Hello, and happy Pride! Here at the Careers Service, we’d like to kickstart the University celebrations by giving you resources designed specifically to support our LGBTQ+ students and grads, from uni onwards!

It’s 2022, and employers (especially those huge corporations) love to shout their allyship from the rooftops – so what does it actually mean to be job seeking as an LGBTQ+ candidate, and how do you navigate it?

There are a few research methods at your disposal. Start by taking a look at the support offered to you at the Careers Service: a good first step is our guide on Support for: LGBT+ students.


via GIPHY (more…)

International Womens Day 2022 – 5 stories of women working hard to #breakthebias

“Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias. Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.” – tagline for International Women’s Day 2022

Happy International Women’s Day (IWD)! 

We LOVE hearing your stories, and get to hear so many of them through the various activities and programmes that we run here at the Careers Service; The Bristol PLUS Award, SME internship scheme, Bristol Mentors, New Enterprise Competition and much more.

Today, we are taking the opportunity to highlight and acknowledge a handful of brilliant female students and graduates who have helped to #breakthebias by exemplifying the missions of International Women’s Day through their various projects, start-ups, and volunteering activities. Prepare to be inspired!

IWD mission: To shine a spotlight on activity uplifting and inspiring women to pursue goals without bias or barrier

Arooba Hameed, Year 3 Cancer Biology and Immunology (BSc)

Picture of Arooba

Arooba completely embodies this mission and recently won £1000 of funding in the Development Stage of the New Enterprise Competition for the non-profit community group she founded, Higher Education for Asylum Seekers & Refugees (HEAR). HEAR aims to support refugees and asylum seekers in accessing educational opportunities through guidance, training, mentoring & advocacy. (more…)

Extra careers support for LGBTQ+ students

At the Careers Service we know LGBTQ+ students can face additional challenges to career thinking. This may include facing discrimination in recruitment practices, and identifying inclusive and supportive workplaces.

To help level the playing field, we’ve compiled the best support and opportunities into one handy document over on mycareer.

We also send out live opportunities in our weekly Flying Start bulletin. Sign up to Flying Start now!

Here’s a taster of the support on offer…

Mentoring & Employability Events


Talent Foundry Ambassadors

The Talent Foundry charity organised three events with different schools throughout the Bristol area to encourage year 7 and 8 pupils to consider university as an option for their future. Their mission is to increase social mobility by helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds discover what they are amazing at, develop valuable new employment skills and take that first step into the world of work. (more…)

“I am thankful that I started thinking about careers in first year. It gave me more time to explore different options”

 It can be tempting to put off thinking about what you want to do when you graduate, especially when you are busy with university work. Chloe Henshaw, (BA English), shares how she started thinking about careers in her first year, and went from having no idea what she wanted to do to securing a place on the Civil Service Fast Stream.  (more…)

It’s International Womens Day!

Find out Today, the 8 March is International Women’s Day (IWD). The global annual celebration celebrates the social, economic and political achievements of women and simultaneously raises awareness on gender equality.

This week, there are lots of incentives and events taking place nationally and internationally which celebrate women overcoming challenges and creating an impact- however big or small- on today’s society. Although many are taking place today or over the next week, these events should act as a springboard for change over the next 12 months. This years theme is #Choosetochallenge . Here are some ways you can challenge yourselves this International Women’s Day.

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Challenge diversity within business


Give yourself a Flying Start this spring

This Spring your Careers Service is offering an extra suite of support for widening participation students, which includes:

  • BAME students
  • Disabled students
  • Mature students
  • Students who attended an aspiring school
  • Students who grew up in a low income household.

We know widening participation students face additional barriers to career thinking. This may include exploring career ideas when you don’t know what’s out there, getting quality work experience with less developed networks, and facing discrimination in recruitment practices. That’s why we’ve put together a dedicated programme of support this Spring to get you career ready:


Where can BAME students find specialised careers development opportunities?


We know that Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students face specific and real barriers to career development. In light of the worldwide and local Black Lives Matter movement, we want to affirm our ongoing commitment to supporting our BAME students.   (more…)

Do you have questions about disability and employability?

person thinking
Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash

Many disabled students and graduates ask the Careers Service for help making the transition from study to work. We support students with a variety of physical, mental health, and neurodiverse conditions such as dyslexia, autism and ADHD when thinking about their career. In this blog post we’ll go over some of the common questions we get asked around the recruitment process, what we can do to help, and where you can get extra support.



Levelling the playing field: My experience of chairing the Social Mobility Panel

The 93% Club aim to improve the experience of state school students studying at the University of Bristol. As part of our Equality and Diversity Careers Week back in January, they kindly volunteered to chair our Social Mobility Panel. 

Alice (the groups president) shared her experience of chairing the panel with us:  

Chairing the Social Mobility Panel at the Equality and Diversity Careers Week was a fantastic experience that left me feeling inspired and hopeful about the future of social mobility amongst UK employers. 

The representatives from Nationwide and the Civil Service Fast Stream were both keen to share what their organisations were doing to break down barriers and create a more inclusive workplace, both through their applications processes and the training they provide for their staff. It was also great to hear from UpReach and Aspiring Solicitors about their programmes to level the graduate playing field and open doors into careers that may not previously have been open to students from lower socio-economic backgrounds. 

